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Puresculpt Ice Therapy

The organic frozen lotion consists of a unique combination of organic clays, herbs and rich essential oils which aid in the body slimming and detoxification process. An effective protocol activates the natural process of cold induced thermogenesis, whereby fat is burned to raise body temperature back to normal.

The organic frozen lotion consists of a unique combination of organic clays, herbs and rich essential oils which aid in the body slimming and detoxification process. An effective protocol activates the natural process of cold induced thermogenesis, whereby fat is burned to raise body temperature back to normal.

Puresculpt is a revolutionary non-invasive body contouring method combining wood sculpting (maderoterapia) with ice sculpting to tone, slim and contour the body.

Your body contouring specialist will take photos and measurements of the area to be treated to track progress.

Woodsculpting will be first used on the problem areas to start breaking down fat deposits and stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The Puresculpt frozen product will then be applied in a specific, effective protocol allowing for sculpting and slimming of the body. The body ice is applied to desired areas of the body for the purpose of slimming, cellulite reduction and toning of the skin. You will fell a very cold exposure for the first few minutes, allowing for the natural triggering of thermogenesis. Once thermogenesis is activated your body temperature will raise back to normal. Most clients feel invigorated post treatment.


Contraindications to Puresculpt ice and wood therapies include:

  • Cold intolerance or cold urticaria
  • Active infection
  • Active cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Undiagnosed lumps or tumors
  • Uncontrolled diabetes

* If you have a medical condition and are unsure whether our treatments are safe for you we recommend getting a doctor’s note clearing you to receive your procedures. *


The Puresculpt protocol is proven to deliver results that can be seen immediately after the first treatment, but you will see most dramatic results after three to four treatments. After every treatment you will continue to see progress for 3-4 days as the body drains. It is very important to stay very well hydrated and drink 2-3 litres of water per day for 3-4 days after treatment to assist in the drainage process. Treatments can be done up to 3 times per week. The amount of treatments needed will depend upon your body and your goals.

Puresculpt is a non – invasive body contouring technique using a high quality natural and organic sculpting product. There is no downtime after treatment, although clients might experience temporary discomfort.

Transient side effects might include:

  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tingling

Puresculpt Ice is applied in an effective protocol which helps activate a natural process in the body called cold-induced thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a natural function that activates the brown adipose tissue (BAT) and burns the white adipose tissue (fat) to help restore the body to normal temperature by accelerating metabolism. This process occurs when skin receptors stimulate the nervous system when exposed to prolonged cold application, generating heat and burning fat, which is then disposed by the lymphatic system.

The organic clays, herbs and essential oils in the frozen product are specially selected for their firming, toning and slimming effects on the skin and body.